Driver Verification with AAMVA and the DVLA

driver verification, mobility as a service and driver screening.

If you’re a business in the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) sector and you haven’t extensively verified who your drivers are, you might have a real problem on your hands. Not only are you putting passengers in danger, risking illicit activities such as underage driving, and possibly employing individuals who pose a security threat to your business, but you’re also running a massive compliance risk. Let’s dive into how putting in place a comprehensive driver verification and driver’s license check can set you up for success in the MaaS sector.

As more products and services are delivered to our doorsteps, driver screening has never been more important. For MaaS businesses to continue to scale quickly, numerous new drivers must be onboarded every day. Despite being prone to error, many businesses continue to rely on manual verification methods when carrying out driver identification, resulting in inefficiency and inaccuracy. In addition, driver competency continues to go unchecked, leaving businesses blind to potential risks.

At ComplyCube, our latest product update focuses on addressing this growing challenge for growing MaaS businesses. We’ve introduced comprehensive Verifica del conducente checks for the Mobilità come servizio (MaaS) sector, featuring integrations with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) in the UK and with the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) negli Stati Uniti.

Image of driver verification and driver screening with driver's license check for the mobility as a service sector.

The Reputational Risk: Illegal Practices Under Scrutiny

Lacking the right driver verification process can result in a substantial reputational risk, as several food delivery companies experienced in late 2023. At the time, Britain’s interior ministry told Uber Eats, Deliveroo, and Just Eat that they needed to tighten their rider account controls. Account sharing had become a familiar practice among drivers, often resulting in underage or illegally working drivers. These stories of illicit practices gained global news coverage, exposing these organizations and the effects of their inadequate security measures.

“Unchecked account sharing places the public at risk, enables – and therefore encourages – illegal migration, and leads to the exploitation of workers,” Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick stated at the time to the India Times.

UN BBC news piece similarly highlighted child exploitation in the sector in late 2023, with children working as riders for several food delivery apps. They found that legitimate accounts were being rented to minors on social media. The publication decided to undergo an experiment, creating a 16-year-old AI-powered fake profile and attempting to get one of these “vendors” to rent them an account for a supposedly 16-year-old to carry out illegal work. It wasn’t long before they succeeded.

No one checks anything.

The BBC article states the following; “When we told one seller offering Deliveroo accounts that he was speaking to a 16-year-old, he replied: ‘I want to help you; age does not matter.’ Another said he would rent us his Uber Eats account for £70 per week, adding: ‘They don’t check age; it’s more like you are using my account.’ Just Eat accounts were also available, but this seller told us, ‘no one checks anything'”.

These findings were only investigated late last year, proving that the industry has not managed to scale needed security measures alongside growth. This must become a priority for any business in the MaaS sector that wishes to remain competitive.

Regulations Across The Globe

The MaaS sector is subject to several key regulations worldwide, meaning that stringent driver verification is essential to achieve compliance. Whether you’re an employer in the UK, EU, or the USA, driver verification is mandated for any employees whose employment requires them to drive. All employers have a responsibility and duty of care to ensure that any employees required to drive on behalf of the organization is correctly licensed and entitled to drive.

The DVLA states in the UK that “All employers have a responsibility and duty of care to ensure that any employee required to drive on behalf of the organization is correctly licensed and entitled to drive. Ignorance is no defense. Employees driving without a valid license may also invalidate your company insurance.”

This standard outlined by the DVLA is due to two specific laws that apply to UK residents:

The Corporate Manslaughter Act 2007: Mandates that organizations that require employees to drive as part of their work must monitor their employees’ entitlement to drive and verify driving licenses.

Section 87 (2) of the Road Traffic Act 1988: This regulation makes it a crime for someone to allow another person to drive a vehicle of any type on a road if that other person does not hold a license that authorizes them to drive a motor vehicle of that class.

Similarly, European legislation marked in their “Most Serious Infringements” (MSI), which were introduced in Regulation (EC) No 1071/2009 and came into force in 2011. These regulations clearly underline that permitting an employee to drive without a valid driving license is a serious crime.

Our Integrated Authoritative Sources

Comprehensive driver verification checks should include authoritative sources that can corroborate data on driver identities, verify license validity, and authenticate driver competency by checking previously acquired penalty points, offenses, and more. Our integrations with the DVLA and AAMVA, alongside our flagship Controllo dell'identità biometrica, Verifica del documento, e DBS check, allow us to provide an extremely comprehensive screening process.


L'Agenzia per la patente di guida e di veicolo (DVLA) è un'organizzazione governativa del Regno Unito responsabile della tenuta dei registri dei conducenti e dei veicoli. Rilascia patenti di guida, riscuote accise sui veicoli e garantisce che conducenti e veicoli rispettino gli standard di sicurezza e ambientali.

Our integration into the DVLA enables the verification of driver competency by providing a comprehensive overview of driver records, highlighting received offenses, restrictions, or penalty points. Accessed data can help you validate whether your drivers may pose a risk to your business. The integration with the DVLA can also retrieve details regarding which vehicles drivers hold permission to drive, in addition to any mandated speed limits.

The DVLA integration can also verify driver identity and check driver’s license validity quickly. The integration provides identity data on the driver, including gender, date of birth, address, postcode, and much more.

Image of driver verification and driver screening with driver's license check for the mobility as a service sector.


L'Associazione americana degli amministratori di veicoli a motoreAAMVA) è un'organizzazione senza scopo di lucro negli Stati Uniti che mira a sviluppare politiche di sicurezza stradale e di amministrazione dei veicoli. L'organizzazione comprende amministratori e dirigenti di veicoli a motore e forze dell'ordine provenienti da 50 stati, dal Distretto di Colombia e da parti del Canada.

AAMVA develops and maintains many information systems that facilitate the electronic exchange of identity information between organizations such as verifying driver licenses, state-issued identification cards, passport information, social security numbers, lawful status, and vital events.

This US organization is a great authoritative source, helping to verify driver identities and license checks.

The Importance of Driver Verification

Driver’s license verification is essential for various stakeholders, including employers, law enforcement, and regulatory bodies, to ensure road safety and compliance with legal standards. This process helps prevent accidents caused by unqualified drivers and ensures that companies comply with industry regulations.

By confirming the validity and authenticity of a driver’s license and a driver’s identity, businesses can protect their reputations, avoid fraud, and avoid legal liabilities in case of accidents or incidents involving their drivers. Continuous monitoring and digital record-keeping are essential for the timely identification of penalties or changes. Driver license verification is the best way to ensure that every one of your drivers is eligible to drive specific categories and types of vehicles.

Running DBS e Right to Work checks are similarly useful when it comes to driver verification. Employers can carry out extensive background checks on drivers to check for criminal records and ensure they have the right to work in the country. ComplyCube is a DIATF-certified provider of these checks, providing unparalleled levels of confidence.

Image of driver verification and driver screening with driver's license check for the mobility as a service sector.

Implement Driver Checks with ComplyCube

ComplyCube è una piattaforma all-in-one RegTech100 per automatizzare la conformità di verifica dell'identità (IDV), antiriciclaggio (AML) e Know-Your-Customer (KYC). Ha clienti globali nei settori legale, delle telecomunicazioni, dei servizi finanziari, della sanità, dell'e-commerce, delle criptovalute, dei viaggi e altro ancora.

deepfake fraud and identity verification software

La nostra suite completa di soluzioni KYC/AML basate sull'intelligenza artificiale, potenziate con flussi di lavoro automatici, è altamente personalizzata per soddisfare i requisiti di conformità dei nostri clienti. Utilizzando tecnologie di apprendimento automatico sviluppate e di proprietà del nostro team, le nostre soluzioni semplificano l'estrazione dei dati fornendo al contempo un'esperienza di onboarding fluida per l'utente.

For more information on setting up a comprehensive driver verification process, contact our expert team today.


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