
Find out more about our wide array of KYC and AML solutions.

Customer screening

Our customer screening service boasts global coverage, smart technology, and comprehensive data sources, giving the greatest peace of mind.

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Sanctions & PEP screening

Our screening capability provides extensive coverage of sanctioned, Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) individuals and  companies

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Adverse media checks

Protect your reputation by screening customers using our AI-powered adverse media service before onboarding them.

Icon showing a person being screened

Watchlist screening

ComplyCube’s comprehensive coverage of global AML watchlist sources and flexible automation features ensures that you comply with the most stringent regulations.

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Continuous monitoring

Keep on top of your Ongoing Due Diligence (ODD) obligations, using our continuous monitoring service. You’ll get notified in real-time should your customers’ status change.

Identity assurance

Our comprehensive identity verification suite enables you to quickly and reliably establish the right Level of Assurance (LoA) for your use case.

Identity verification solutions: icon of a passport

Document verification

Our document verification service offers a best-in-class user experience. Your users will love the clear, guided  fast verification process.

icon showing a customer. Identity assurance

Customer authentication

Limit user access and ensure your products are secure without adding friction for your customers.

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Address verification

Our smart capture solutions extract relevant details from Proof of Address (PoA) documents and verify them against client and location data.

icon of a fingerprint. Liveness

Biometric verification

Use our advanced biometric checks to verify the person presenting the identity document is the same individual.

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Multi-bureau checks

Verify your customer details such as name, address, date of birth, and Social Security Number (SSN) against a range of trusted sources.

Icon indicating that a user has been verified. AML compliance solutions

Age Estimation

Our low-friction Age Estimation engine can streamline age-gated products and show reliable results in seconds using one selfie. 

Icon of a user under a magnifier. Due diligence compliance

UK Identity and Fraud Verification

Leverage the UK’s leading ID&V and anti-fraud solution for precise customer risk assessment. Base decisions on our DIATF profile scores.

Icon showing a public trasportation vehicle

Driver Verification

Verify the identity, competency and license validity of your drivers through our integration with AAMVA and the DVLA. 

Due diligence & compliance

Our advanced global compliance platform allows you to investigate and proceed with business relationships worldwide in seconds.

use case kyc. AML use cases

Know your customer

Deter fraudsters without adding unnecessary friction to genuine customer journeys using our smart and configurable identity verification checks.

Icon showing a dollar bill with a tick and a cross. AML Solutions

Anti-money laundering

Use our innovative, easy-to-integrate AML platform to satisfy regulators, and stop financial crime (FinCrime) and counter-terrorist financing (CTF). 

Icon of a user under a magnifier. Due diligence compliance

Customer due diligence

Whether you need to perform customer due diligence (CDD) or enhanced due diligence (EDD), stay safe with our best-in-class onboarding flows

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Risk scoring

Our risk engine applies proprietary algorithms to calculate an AML risk score for your customers and presents you with a simple low, medium, or high score.

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