
Find out how our KYC & AML solutions can deliver for you for a given business process


By using our services, you can power up any business process. Whether by increased automation or more detailed investigative tooling, ComplyCubes platform will improve your compliance and onboarding function.

icon showing a user's silhouette

Customer onboarding

Streamline your onboarding processes through smart capture data techniques, while also successfully detecting fraud, preventing money laundering and remaining 100% compliant.

Icon indicating that a user has been verified. AML compliance solutions

Age verification

If you provide age restricted goods and services. ComplyCube’s age verification combines document verification and biometric likeness so you can confidently sell your products.

icon showing a credit card

Fraud prevention

Secure your business relationships through innovative customer onboarding, robust reauthentication techniques, and advanced biometrics while preventing money laundering 

icon of an identity card. AML services & KYC

Identity verification

Protect your business and clients from identity fraud. Stop illegal service access and data theft. Use the latest biometric and vision technology to assure customer presence and authenticity in line with regulatory guidelines.

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Ongoing due diligence

Regularly reviewing clients, accounts, and transactions provides the ongoing evaluation of your business’s compliance metrics. We make compliance BAU.

icon showing a user's silhouette

User verification

Streamline your onboarding processes through smart capture data techniques, while also successfully detecting fraud, preventing money laundering and remaining 100% compliant

Icon of a user under a magnifier. Due diligence compliance

Know your client

KYC regulations and standards are designed to protect your business. We enable you to establish the identity of your customer and evaluate the intention behind their transactions.

Icon for KYC

Know your business

Regulations are rapidly evolving for KYB and UBO identification. ComplyCube can help you achieve these standards across disparate global datasets and with minimal user friction.

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