ComplyCube Closes 2023 With 3 TrustRadius Best Of Awards in IDV

ComplyCube wins 3 Trustradius Awards 2023 for IDV

London, January 9, 2024 – ComplyCube, the leading IDV SaaS platform, secured 3 more awards to add to its already impressive set of accolades as it heads into the new year. The TrustRadius Best Of awards denote the Identity Verification industry leaders over 3 metrics: Value for Price, Best Relationship, and Feature Set.

TrustRadius awards simplify B2B commerce by identifying the industry champions. The review platform’s CEO commented that their prestigious awards “ease the growing challenges in today’s purchase process and facilitate informed purchase decisions.” Securing three out of three awards, ComplyCube demonstrates significant strides as a prominent AI-powered platform in IDV, AML, and KYC.

Dr. Tarek Nechma, CEO of ComplyCube, described the recent win as a perfect reflection of the high standards the team consistently aims for.

‘These awards strengthen our trajectory in becoming the industry go-to in Identity Verification,’ he commented. The recognition underscores the company’s commitment to excellence and innovation in the field.

Dr. Nechma reiterated ComplyCube’s core mission of building trust at scale. Emphasizing the importance of reliable and secure verification processes, he hinted to reaching additional milestones and expanding the company’s impact in the near future.

What is the Significance of Each Award?

The TrustRadius Best Of awards promote an industry’s best services, with ComplyCube being recognized for its excellence in Identity Verification.

  • The Best Value for Price Award weighs the price of the service against the quality and the Return on Investment (ROI) it provides.

  • The Best Relationship Award values customer satisfaction through 3 key metrics: ‘Would Buy Again’, Implementation Expectations’, and ‘Sales and Marketing Promises’.

  • The Best Feature Set Award rewards a company’s distinction in building innovative solutions that provide great user experience.

Feature Rich Solutions

Rich compliance features are paramount to customer security and acquisition and to avoid hefty fines or potential sanctions, especially when a highly regulated bank is in question.

Our previous vendor’s solution lacked many of the enterprise features we required. ComplyCube was able to address all of these deficiencies. Not only did it provide us with the enterprise-level features we required, but it also proved to be more compliant.

ComplyCube’s mature solutions with ‘detailed reporting’ act as the bridge between compliance and healthy banking.

Industry Leading Know-How

Carolina, Managing Director at Accenture, attests that ComplyCube provides solutions with the highest degree of compliance know-how.

Having searched extensively for a suitable partner, I can confidently attest to the fact that the ComplyCube team demonstrated a greater degree of compliance awareness than their peers.

The solutions provided by the state-of-the-art KYC/AML platform are designed to prevent businesses from being hindered by the ever-changing regulations in their respective industries and aim to eliminate downtime. Carolina also noted ComplyCube’s vast global coverage and detail-centric PEP watchlist as crucial USPs.

Streamlined Operational Efficiency

The IDV provider’s solutions positively impact every level of a business, from the tech team to newfound customers and operating margins.

ComplyCube has simplified things for us by reducing the number of vendors we need to use, which has saved us time and money. In short, it helped us meet our compliance obligations while improving our operational efficiency.

Providing services across the globe in start-up to enterprise-grade packages, clients can rest assured that they are keeping up with compliance and customer onboarding processes through one automated workflow.

About ComplyCube

ComplyCube is a global leader in Identity Verification (IDV), Know Your Customer (KYC), and Anti-money Laundering (AML). Harnessing powerful modern technologies such as Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the SaaS solution with an automation-first approach delivers powerful tools for streamlining compliance workflows, improving operational productivity, and protecting against financial crimes.

About TrustRadius

TrustRadius is a noted review website connecting future purchasers of services to the right provider. Their reputable list of verified users provides professionals with peace of mind when it comes to making and informed purchasing decisions faster.

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